Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 10 of 365 Days of Boulderado Photos ~ Community Bathrooms

When the Hotel Boulderado opened in 1909, only about one-fourth of the guest rooms had private baths. Most of the overnight guests used common toilets and common baths, located on each floor of the historic building. The toilets were called water closets. The user pulled a chain which allowed water to flow from a wooden tank into the bowl. The common baths featured a claw foot tub, which is a collectors item today. Pictured above are the last four remaining common baths. On the right is the original men's bath and water closet. On the left was the women's bath and water closet. By the early 1980s, all hotel rooms were remodeled with their own "private" bathroom. These rooms are now used for storage.