Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 24 of 365 Days of Boulderado Photos ~ Pipe and Sprinkler Head

This photo represents a lot more than just the pipe and sprinkler head you see above. To the casual passerby, it's just a pipe and sprinkler head. To me, it's what saved the Hotel Boulderado. During the 1960s, the city of Boulder was concerned about the lack of sprinkler systems at the hotel, mostly because of the giant wooden staircase that spans five floors (and the basement). If the staircase was ever to catch fire, the whole hotel could be in danger. The city brought their concern to the attention of the owner and manager of the day, Ed Howard. They gave Ed three options: install a sprinkler system, encase the entire staircase in sheet rock, or tear down the hotel in favor of a parking lot. Ed made the decision that saved the integrity and beauty of the hotel; he installed the sprinkler system. I'm reminded of this act whenever I pass by a sprinkler head.